Law Enforcement

The mission of Defense Innovation is to provide realistic training/less lethal systems to provide for realistic results. Making force-on-force training effective and most importantly safe for all users is our common goal. Our training systems can be customized to fit the needs of your officers while at the same time bring a sense of good conditioning and good decision making skills.


Riot Suppression: 
In a riot or other large disturbance, the operator can load the  magazine our defense rounds, to disperse the crowd, and switch  immediately to the rubber balls for less-lethal deterrent against  individuals.

Domestic Violence/ Inhibited Suspects: 
The Defense Innovation less lethal launchers can be very useful in subduing trouble subjects safely. Deploying the defense round you can subdue any subject from a safe distance. This means your officers can exercise extreme caution and deploy our systems at a safe distance, knowing their safety is assured.

Barricaded Subjects:
For suspects barricaded in a structure, officers can use Glass rounds to breach a window... then switch magazine to the load with PAVA to fill the structure with a cloud of irritants. forcing subject to evacuate enclosed space.
