
Corrections departments worldwide can greatly benefit from Defense Innovation's less-lethal systems. We offer a broad selection of projectiles and launchers designed to meet the diverse needs of correctional facilities, with officer safety as our top priority.

Cell Extraction:
For dealing with violent or suicidal inmates, our launchers and rounds provide a safe and effective means to subdue even the most challenging individuals, protecting officers in high-risk situations.
Riot and Yard Disturbances:
Correctional yards can be volatile, and our systems are ready to respond when tensions escalate. Our launchers enable officers to deploy a range of projectiles on multiple subjects, offering solutions for both crowd control and targeted responses during assaults.
Prisoner Transport:
Inmate transport is among the most delicate tasks in corrections. We provide versatile solutions that help maintain control and safety during transfers, ensuring officers can manage inmates securely and effectively.
Tower Personnel:
Our extended-range impact rounds, PAVA rounds, and marking rounds empower tower pers