
At Defense Innovation we also represent Private Security agencies and officers. Whether you are protecting personnel or goods our launchers will answer the call. In states all across the US as well as countries throughout the world, there are no special Licenses or certifications required to carry our launchers. Our systems boast the most realistic qualities, not only cosmetically but functionally as well. Just carrying our systems, will offer your officers a visual intimidation factor allowing those looking to cause problems the chance to rethink their intentions. Our projectiles and launchers are not only safe but effective, and can be customized to fit your needs.
Defense Innovation's systems can also be used for home defense. We offer a wide range of projectiles that will allow you to effectively protect yourself and your property without having to use lethal force. The launchers are 100% legal to own and do not require a permit to operate. They are safe and are able to be used by the whole family.